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Celebrating International Yoga Day-21-June-2023


Celebrating International Yoga Day @ CBSE: Embracing Harmony and Well-being

Every year, on June 21st, people around the world come together to celebrate International Yoga Day. Yoga is a holistic discipline originating from ancient India and has gained worldwide recognition for its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Recognizing the significance of this ancient practice, My Public School had organised plethora of activities for their students highlighting this year’s theme “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”
Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm, aiming to promote wellness, unity and mindfulness among students. Every student, from kindergarten to high school, was encouraged to participate and promote physical and mental well-being while fostering a sense of unity and community thus making it an inclusive experience.
To commemorate this day and also to fulfill the aim of our honourable Prime Minister Har Aangan Yog students performed various asanas to bring out the importance of yoga in serving better mental health practices in our lives. Practicing yoga in nature allowed students to connect with their surroundings and experience the calming effects of practicing outside. The asanas also help in maintaining a steady posture and reduce mental tiredness, stress and anxiety. They conveyed a message that practising yogasanas regularly can help to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind. It is a movement

dedicated to the youth to inspire them to come together for the sustainability and global harmony.
Principal Ms. Sangeeta Rekhi encouraged students to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration. She was contended to see students enthusiastically engaged in these activities thus fulfilling the School’s aim to instill a lifelong interest in yoga and thereby encouraging students to prioritize their well-being. The overall participation by Mypians served as a testament to their personal growth and the positive impact of yoga in their lives.
The Yoga Day celebration was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. It provided an opportunity for students to embrace a healthy lifestyle, cultivate mindfulness, and deepen their connection to their own bodies and minds. By celebrating Yoga Day, our school community reaffirmed its commitment to overall well-being and unity, encouraging students to carry the lessons learned into their daily lives.

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#well_being #YogaforVasudhaivaKutumbakam

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