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Aims & Objectives

My Public School is a foundation of quality education. The aims of the School reflect tradition whilst also seeking to ensure that the School continues to be seen as one of the nation’s leading schools.

 We educate the brightest student in Meerut, regardless of their social, cultural, religious and financial background

 To form a character through value education and social empowerment through work and action.

 Educate our students and equip them to become key pioneers of nation’s future development and to have the courage to use the understanding they gain from this institution.

 To nurture a spirit of collaborative learning and teaching.

 Teach them to think for themselves and to develop a life-long love for learning. Lessons are taught by academic specialists with a passion for their subject, and teaching goes well beyond the narrow confines of examination syllabuses, offering our students the best preparation for the life ahead.

 To form one team of entire school community with the child at the epicenter of our action.

 Know every student and create an environment in which students feels valued as an individual, and is challenged to fulfill his potential, whatever his/ her talents and attributes.

 Produce well-rounded young students who have a true sense of service to their communities. Alongside this, the School itself seeks to promote co-operation with the wider community and in particular to build partnerships with local schools

 Maintain vibrant and diverse events of co-curricular activities which play a key role in the School, enabling all students to explore and develop new interests, challenge themselves and take responsibility, develop teamwork and leadership skills, make friends and have fun.

 Lastly and most importantly to invoke God’s blessings on our every endeavor.