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Saturday, December 11, 2021

“Children are never too young to learn the value of everything they have in life and for being thankful for it”

On Saturday,11th December 2021 My Public School celebrated Thanksgiving Day with fun and frolic. This day is a reminder to us of the importance of gratitude in our life. The celebration was organised to express our sincere appreciation to Healthcare workers, Telecom workers, Public Service workers, retail workers, journalists and broadcast technicians, and at last our teachers and parents.

A two minutes silence was observed as condolence for Rev. General Bipin Rawat ji and his 13 officers.

The event was conducted with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. It commenced with the marching of the little ones to the tune of the ‘Ants go Marching’ followed by welcoming of the parents who had come to witness the event.

It was an occasion for joyful and experiential learning (@CBSE) through different activities, be it the ‘Play Station’ activity by the play class where a child enjoyed learning numbers using colourful beads with the help of abacus or ‘Balancing and Coordination’ activity in which they were able to develop their fine motor skills.

To keep the audience captivated, there were many more activities like the ‘Globe Exploration’ activity where students of classes 1 and 3 demonstrated the globe with the help of a 3D globe. This activity allowed students to forge their reasoning, critical, abstract and problem solving skills. The ‘Rainbow Activity’ in which students of class UKG demonstrated the creation of their own mini Rainbow through capillary action. The ‘Melting and Freezing’ activity where the students of kindergarten presented before the audience how water can change from solid to liquid and vice versa. The atmosphere reverberated with the ‘Sound of Phonics’ sung by the lil ones.

The programme ended with a Prize Distribution where winners of the handwriting and drawing competition were awarded prizes which was a moment of pride and honour for the achievers of the school. The various cultural events during the show kept the momentum of the show alive.

Overall, the celebration was a grand success and concluded on a happy note encouraging the students to establish further milestones in their journey towards success.

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